Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014

drawing challenge: time

Sorry, no time for this challenge. To busy with year end.
All the best for you in 2015!

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

My December (almost) Daily Project

Long time no post, but I was busy with a "Daily Project" in the publishing house where I am working.

For my favorite clients I've made an advent calendar with some special offers and stories about my alter ego "Advent Angel". I sent out an eMail all working days and here are for you the pictures showing my alter ego:

My clients liked it and it was a lot of fun while working hard in the year-end-business!

All the best for you and enjoy the last days in 2014!

Montag, 8. Dezember 2014


Auf diesem Bild sind zwei Teebeutelengel versteckt:

Findest Du sie?

Eine schöne Adventswoche ohne zu viel Vorweihnachtsstress euch allen!